Membership defines what is needed. Strive to fulfill membership needs by creating a sense of belonging, counseling and networking to membership.
Promote and maintain diversity in organization management of various committees, EC and BOT. Include various age groups and gender, to create a visible diversity representation of membership.
Responsibility, Accountability, Honesty and Openness, Self respect and mutual dignity in dealing with one another. EC and BOT strive to meet and exceed the expectation of the membership.
Leadership and management strive for the best to serve membership thru teamwork, education and the recruitment of dedicated volunteers with a deep commitment to the mission. Leadership and management will reflect quality and excellence in performing all tasks.
Major economic and non-economic resources will be allocated for these activities in order to strive for preservation of our heritage for future generations.
Recognize that all the work is performed by volunteers. Encourage volunteerism. Become a benchmark for Progressive and Volunteer driven organizations. Strive for excellence in communication and consensus building in any decision process, training and succession opportunity.